20 years ago the percentage of foreigners in Vienna was 17 percent, today it is already 37 percent!
Integration as a Herculean task! The new data collected by Statistics Austria from the Austrian Integration Fund (ÖIF) speak a clear language: almost half (45.9%) of the Viennese already had a migration background in 2019, which is almost twice as many as the Austrian average (23.7%). 36.7% of Viennese (19.8% Austria-wide) were born abroad. Looking at this exact figure of 701,700 immigrant Viennese, those born in Serbia make up its largest group (90,000), followed by Turks (66,000).
District comparison: In Rudolfsheim-Fünfhaus (15th district), the share of foreign-born persons is highest at 47.9 percent, followed by Brigittenau with 45.4 percent and Margareten with 44.4 percent. Favoriten and Ottakring follow in fourth and fifth place, with 43.3 percent and 42 percent, respectively. Districts with low proportions of migrants include Hietzing and Liesing. In schools, 52.5 percent of students spoke a non-German colloquial language, hotspot: Favoriten!
While the unemployment rate for Austrian citizens in Vienna was 9.5 percent, it was 16.8 percent for foreigners. Particularly low: the employment rate of Turkish women (48%) and women from former Yugoslavia (61%). While natives gave birth to an average of 1.16 children, women born abroad gave birth to 1.66. Syrian and Afghan women, on the other hand, gave birth to an above-average number of babies, with 4.21 and 3.45 children, respectively. Interfaith marriages are scarce: Only 61 Catholic women ever married a Muslim.
– source: krone.at/M. Münzer, St. Steinkogler/picture:pixabay.com
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